Why you can and should use make up after 40
What is “ age makeup”?
For some reason, in the first place, something discreet , restrained and emphasized neatly appears . Boring. So that no one would condemn anything “ such” I did not think. Even a special term has been invented – elegant age. Moreover , in this very elegant age can not just take , and apply makeup: it is necessary to think ten times , before you draw something bright , catchy , and significant. And you also need to do lifting makeup – at an elegant age they don’t do anything else.
And if you now feel something , like anger , it is a very proper feeling. Because for the most numerous , solvent ( what is there to hide) audience or advertising removed at the same young models , or on women much older. The fact that 60+ women came into fashion is incredibly cool ,and we are all happy about that. But there are practically no women from 40 to 55 in fashion photography , and this is truly unfair. Everyone needs sources of inspiration and cool role models that are similar not only in spirit , but also in age. And if you don’t start talking about it out loud ,“Out of every iron”, then a clumsy and slow industry will for a long time shoot fashion only on young faces.
Expressive cheekbones and other bonuses
With age, our face changes – and more often , for the better. If the phase of active growth of the body has successfully passed , then the redistribution of fat packets ( yes , so our volumes are called in an adult way) on the face should also be completed. And so we said goodbye to our cheeks , and we met the very cheekbones and back-cheekbones. You no longer need to draw them on purpose , but only emphasize them slightly. And believe me , they will look much more natural and clearer , than a young girl, with more children’s cheeks.
Your skin looks much better
And it’s not a joke. Almost all inflammations and other troubles went away , and wrinkles really should not be considered a problem. Let’s face it – the first wrinkles around the eyes have appeared much earlier , than in 25. You learn to see the effect of a properly sized care , better and eat right , try to sleep more. If you think , that it is ” running in place” and the effect of it is invisible – you are deeply mistaken. Even as noticeable! And if you read somewhere , that with age is better to use less makeup – try to read that sentence correctly. At your age it is NOT MANDATORY to use a lot of cosmetics
, To look cool – this is the correct wording. And do not forget about the experience , which allows you to choose the perfect color, and are the right tools!
You no longer need to prove anything
You have developed a career , a family has appeared , goals have been set. You have , to be proud of , and you do not need to adapt to someone else’s expectations , to look great. So now is the time to wear all , what you like – and do not think about , what others will say.
Through some 50 years, we have become accustomed to the fact , that the appearance of no boundaries , except for the imagination. It will be great to see the time , and when my grandmother , and grandfather can be painted so , how they want. And to work , and at the weekend. But you have a chance to start doing all this much earlier , and this is a great handicap. A limitless resource for pleasure and small bonuses in the form of universal admiration ( and envy).
Where to look for inspiration for interesting makeup?
How to see bright , unusual and even daring make-up on someone close in age , if there are only schoolgirls in advertising? We have found options for you for every taste , from conservative to rebellious.
Makeup artists
Alex Boxing
Among the distinguished makeup artists easily find their contemporaries and see , how will look on your face bright and saturated colors. Pay attention not to their portfolio with young models , but to the story on Instagram. Particular attention is paid LIVE: video makeup looks much closer to reality , than photos with dozens of filters. Do not be afraid to focus on professionals. Crush the internal perfectionist , who whispers: “Well, they somehow know how to paint hoo how , and you?” – Your task is to see , that bright makeup may look good on people of any age , and become bolder. Nobody needs to make the perfect picture the first time! And from the tenth – too.
Make up obsessive mom
Many people still do not know , that there is beauty bloggers over 49 years. And they are actually a lot , and they have , to learn. And the content will be more interesting for them. In search of useful ideas, you can browse not only individual blogs , but also websites with reviews on decorative cosmetics. If you do not spend time on the top authors with glossy photos , you can find a lot of interesting posts from simple , loving couple in the makeup people. Get accustomed to those , who puts honest Photoshop images without a ton – for it really becomes clear , like a make looks at life. Hint: choose not the most popular , glossy profiles. Give a chance to amateur photos on the phone in home lighting , from them you will get much more useful information.
Elizabeth McGovern (Downton Abbey)
The most important thing is not to get hung up on the main characters. Take a closer look at the actresses of the second and third plan and the extras , they also make a “ regular” make-up ,which is easy to repeat. Do not be lazy to take still pictures and save them. Finding a few individuals of your type is not difficult. And how many creative make-ups can be found in science fiction films – not to count. Hint: Do not limit yourself to Hollywood movies and Netflix TV shows. In European studios, the picture is less glossy , and the faces are much more diverse. Most of the benefits can be derived from British and Italian cinema – in the first we look at the nude make , in the second you can find something abruptly. The most perky makeups hide in costume dramas ,modicum about 20’s , modicum about space.